What is the cause of the smell of clothes after drying?

In winter or when it rains continuously, clothes are not only difficult to dry, but they often have a smell after they dry in the shade. Why does the dry clothes have a peculiar smell? 1. In rainy days, the air is relatively humid and the quality is poor. There will be misty gas floating in the air. In such weather, clothes are not easy to dry. If the clothes are closely spaced and the air is not circulating, Clothes are prone to moldy and sour rot and produce peculiar smells. 2. The clothes are not washed clean, caused by perspiration and fermentation. 3. The clothes are not rinsed clean, and there are a lot of washing powder residues. These residues ferment sour on the airless balcony and give off a bad smell. 4. The water quality of laundry. The water itself contains a variety of minerals, which have been diluted by water, and in the process of drying clothes, after a long period of precipitation, this mineral will react with harmful substances in the air to a certain degree. Produce a gas. 5. The inside of the washing machine is very dirty, and a lot of dirt accumulates in the damp interlayer, which causes mold to ferment and secondarily contaminate the clothes. In the cold and humid weather, the air is not circulated, these bacteria adhering to the clothes proliferate in large numbers, giving out a sour smell.

Post time: Nov-10-2021